The Handshake is Dead, Forever, RIP

Rebekah Pothaar
2 min readApr 9, 2020


I always hated the (non-consensual) handshake and the cheek kiss/es

My dog thinks “shake a paw” is a weird request, she does it for treats, but pulls back her arm immediately

“I don’t think we should ever shake hands ever again”, says Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases and the White House’s top infectious disease expert. He predicts that when we emerge on the other side of the coronavirus pandemic, everyone will live far more cautiously. He suggests that even rituals as commonplace as a handshake should probably be left behind in the past.”

Silver lining? RIP handshakes forever. THANK gods!

I always hated reaching out and grabbing a stranger’s hand who you don’t even know the name of, as a sign of respect? I don’t know where this person has put their hands.

Also if their hand is sweaty, I need to wait to wipe it, or wash it, so as not to embarrass them. If my hand is sweaty, I’m mortified. I actually prefer fist bumps, but this is not saying much. And if you go for a handshake and the other person goes for a first bump, you grab a fist and its like a very awkward game of rock, paper, scissors.

Isn’t sincere eye contact, a smile and actually remembering a name on introduction so much better than a clammy hand or even worse, the OVER-zealous, “Firm Grip” power shake, that’s borderline hand assault?

Isn’t the history of the handshake — extending your right hand was to show you were not going to stab the person with your sword hand? To show peace? The two agree not to kill each other? I think we’ve evolved beyond this. Even my dog thinks when I ask to “shake a paw”, that its weird. She’s like fine, weirdo, but only if you give me a treat.

Don’t even get me started on the cheek kiss, the blow kiss, the two kisses, or the three kisses, ppl. You risk accidentally face planting or making out with a total stranger, colleague or in-law’s uncle. The anxiety that this COULD happen makes you all the more clumsy in panic. Imagine being introduced to a table of 20 new French/Swiss/Dutch people….That’s like 20 to 60 non-consensual kisses right there. Ew. Let’s get rid of all of this. I let a very select few people touch me consensually and prefer it that way, without social pressure to touch or kiss strangers.

I was raised with the good old fashioned “Christian side hug,” so ya, I’m ok with side hugs, but only if I know you really well.

Watch the video, to know more on the “Christian side hug.”

“Christian Side Hug,” probably a concept that only people raised Christian can fully appreciate



Rebekah Pothaar

I write about branding, storytelling, creativity and psychology.